“When we get the environment right, people will do the remarkable things”.
There are some major insights from the conversation of Simon Sinek with Marie Forleo, Simon Sinek is known for his research on leadership and how an environment in an organization has a huge impact on people do the remarkable things for their own company.
The key idea is all about LEADERSHIP.
We are all social animals, we are designed to take care of people and help others out by our best, by doing that, the feeling of trust and cooperation raised since they’re always be there and a lot of oxytocin – a kind of hormone of love, trust and relationships. A huge amount of oxytocin will be released when you do something good for others, even witnessing someone helps other can also make you feel good and happy for them. Speaking of that, the role of leadership is vitally important in any organization.
Leadership isn’t about the company, it is all about PEOPLE, you can run the company, you can manage the system, but you ONLY LEAD people, in other words, it is HUMAN ENTERPRISE.
Most of us just think leaders are those who use authority to give demands and expect results from their employees. They are leaders just because they got the promotions by their best performances, blah blah, but that isn’t what leadership is about. When you’re a leader, you are on a high position compared to your colleagues, you have more power and responbilities than them, but having more responsibilities doesn’t mean you’re just telling them what to do, real leaders are those who are TAKING CARE OF PEOPLE IN THEIR CHARGE, it is not about BEING CHARGED.
The leader’s job and responsibility is to take care of their subordinates, make them feel valued, go to the great lengths to make their employees feel safe, give them countless opportunities to be educated, to be their best self and boost their confidence to the highest point. Your employees will take are of their jobs and you as a leader have to take are of your employees. By doing so, you are more likely to create an environment where people feel safe when going to work and they would do their best to support and enhane your vision, in other words, they will do the best they can to protect you and help you grow in no time.
Simon’s insights about the role of leadership has struck me impressively is you as a leader is the person who medically is responsible for the lives of those people working in your company. When you make people feel safe, they will be happy, the more they are happy, the more they release oxytocin – a hormone of love and trust. Reasearch shows that happy people live longer, so when your employees feel safe and valued at work, they would live longer, thrive more enthusiastically, having more energy and giving their best to fulfill their potentials and boost the company to the next level.
Contrary to that, when you make your employees feel threatening and underappreciated, they will release cortisol – hormone of stress and anxiety, when they have this hormone, they will be in constant stress and depression, they would do the best they can to protect themselves from the leaders and the company itself. As a result, they will just go through the motions and just do what they are told and then come home without contributing anything valuable to the company. When your employees just feel unsafe and stressed out at work, you as a leader are a totally a failure.
In any organization, small or big enterprises, leaders are not necessarily those who have power and authority, just simply mean they went first, they take INITITAIVES, they MAKE A MOVE. I see a lot of leaders on top high-level aren’t really a leader, but those who are on a lower level such as employees are real leaders since they always take the initiatives and always go first into THE UNKNOWN, UNCERTAINTY and CHANGE, that is what real leader is about.
The most important to think about is you need to pratice leadership on a daily basis. Try to be patient with others and do the best you can, sometimes leadership is all about putting the lives of others ahead our interests.
Watch full episode at:https://bit.ly/2UptJoi
Summarized and Written by Tuyet Son